【予約】【取寄対象品】PIX4D viDoc RTK rover (本体)


型番 IM-VID-01
販売価格 748,000円(税込822,800円)
商品ポイント 8228 ポイント

【viDoc RTK rover スペック】

Measurements 253x184x29mm
Weight 484 g
Temperature range –5 up to +35°C
Humidity 5–95% (not condensing)
GNSS antenna
Measurements 55,6mm x 27,5mm
Weight < 19 g
Temperature range –40 up to + 80°C
Humidity Up to 95%
Polarization RHCP
Satellite signals GPS: L1/L2
Beidou: B1/B2/B3
Galileo: El/E5b
Coverage 360°
Supply voltage 3–16 VDC
Power consumption < 35 mA
Gain 36 ± 2 dB
Noise figure < 1,5 dB
V.S.W.R. < 2,0
Measurement accuracy ± 2 mm
Measuring range Ground laser: 0,5 – 40 m
Front laser: 0,5 – 20m
Laser class 2
Laser type 635 nm, < 1 mW
Measurement times 0,1 up to 4 sec.
Supply voltage 2,5 – 3,3 V
Operating temperature 0 up to 40 °C
Performance specifications
Constellation-independent, flexible signal tracking, improved positioning under challenging environmental conditions1 with multi-satellite use. Reduced downtime in the event of loss of signal (up to 5 seconds).
GPS L1C/A (1575.42 MHz); L2C (1227.60 MHz)
BeiDou B1I (1561.098 MHz); B2I (1207.140 MHz)
Galileo E1-B/C (1575.42 MHz); E5b (1207.140 MHz)
GLONASS L1OF (1602 MHz + k*562.5 kHz, k = –7,..., 5, 6)
L2OF (1246 MHz + k*437.5 kHz, k = –7,..., 5, 6)
Positioning services
Device type Multi-band GNSS high precision receiver
Accuracy of pulse signals RMS 30 ns 99 % 60 ns
Frequencies of pulse signals 0,25 Hz up to 10 MHz
Convergence time RTK < 10 sec.
Static survey POSITION 1cm + 1ppm
HIGHT 1cm + 1ppm
RTK run up/ramp up time Cold start (Sec.) 24sec.
At operating temperature 2sec.
RTK-Position accuracy RMS (repeatability for static measurement) POSITION 7mm at 15min
HIGHT 8mm at 15 min
POSITION 15mm at 30 min
HIGHT 21mm at 30 min
Speed accuracy 0,05 m/s
System limits Height 5.000 m
Acceleration < 4 g
Speed 500 m/s
IMU Prepared
Power supply
receive and send max. 9 hours
with active Lasermodule max. 6 hours
under real conditions max. 8 hours
battery pack 3.200mAh
Model accuracy absolute position and height (relativ)
– with EXIF data < 10cm (<2cm)
– with CSVdata < 10cm (<2cm)
– with CSV+GCP data < 2cm
– with EXIF+GCP data in cloud processing < 2cm
